Thursday, June 5, 2008


things i hate about websites.flashy advertisements.unnecessary use of flash player.searches that do not come up with good results.lists and lists of and cluttered website that require you to close out of them in order for you to access the site.loading with           Say no to ugly websites.     

Full Length


I have never been a sponge to The Presets, I don't "believe the hype" so to speak, and my extensions with the band go as far as hearing 'Are You The One' in every hipster club in NYC last summer, remixes et al.  I appreciate some of their industrial style instrumentals on Beams (Black Backround exclusively), but there is something about his voice that just, irks me.  I don't share whatever deep obsession he has with susceptible girls in dark lit clubs.  Since I haven't been following them, I had no idea they just released a new album until yesterday, Apacalypso.  

Appropriately sharing the same name as an embarrassing Mel Gibson failure, Apacalypso is pretty much a repeat of Beams, sans the instrumentals.  Voice still ends on an obnoxious high note, songs still about girls in clubs, doing crazy things, sweating with "his people", acting crazy, partying, girls, clubs, eyes, eye movement, crazy club activities, sweat.  

I played this song from my recently added playlist on my ipod, so I heard the entire thing from the last song to the first, and I was starting to get really excited!  I might actually enjoy a Presets album?  Really?  The last song on the album "Anywhere" is actually really pretty, I really enjoy it, it will most definitely get a lot of play time, hell, it even made its way into my Viva-Radio playlist!  I love it!  Thats pretty much the extent of my love for this album.  The rest is annoying, obnoxious, and just super hard to listen to.   Aeons is somewhat like an instrumental version of Anywhere, so its nothing horrible.  But nothing amazing.  Semi-Epic Giorgio Moroder stylings, stealing everything about 80s electronica right down to the chamber style drum hit. 

The rest is a poor attempt at romantic electronica.  Sleazy vox, boring beats, nothing new, nothing worth buying.  My recommendation?  Buy "Anywhere" on iTunes, and skip the rest.

4/10  (Simply for Anywhere)  If "Anywhere" was a Single...7.5/10 (thats high in my book).

Monday, June 2, 2008


Apples is the essence of simple. 

If you are looking to get a new computer, or are just fed up with you dell xpc200XR3000 or what ever its called, I strongly recommend getting an iMac. 
And here's why.

First, cords. 
An iMac uses, at most, three cords (mouse, keyboard, power supply). There is a wireless option as-well, which means you literally have one cord.  You might think cords are not that big a deal, but dealing with a can be one of the worst experiences of your life. I have always been agents cords. All mac's come equipped with an "airport card" which is a wireless card for broadband internet.
Since all iMac's have built in Bluetooth, setting up your wireless mouse and keyboard is a cinch. Still not convinced? Take a look at the picture below.

Which one would you pick?

Next reason to get a mac, they are just easy to use.
I have been using mac's for as long as I can remember. I have tried to use a windows based computer before, but could not figure out how to use it. With Apple's resent release of OS X (Leopard, an updated operating system) it's even easier to use. Finding files is as easy as 123 minus the 2 and 3. Just type in the file name in "spotlight", Leopard's search feature. Can't remember what you named it? Type in some key words and Spotlight'll find it in a flash. If you used iTunes before, you'll be right at home with Leopard. iMacs are ready to go right out of the box, so just plug in and your set. Apples does it's best to make things easy for it's users, and does a fanatics job. 

Mac Os X "Leopard" desktop.

sorry I was unable to find a screen shot of Windows Vista on their website.

What I find great about Apple is the fact that they do it all. They make the computers and make the software. There is one version of Leopard, so no hassle when deciding what version to get. Simple design. Every hardware they make is very well built. Easy to upgrade, if later on you decide your ganna want the four gigabytes of RAM or what ever. 

Apple has been making all-in-one computers for a long time. The all-in-one design makes it easy to set on your desk, and not have to worry about where to but some huge box.  Other computer companies are just starting to come out with an all-in-one design.   

So remember, if your going to get a new computer, go for the real deal, get a Mac. 

Sunday, June 1, 2008

the refrigerator

Problem: I am cleaning out my refrigerator. To be honest, I don't even know where to start with this one. Lets go from the bottom up.
Alright, the bottom drawers,
1) Never EVER seem as if they fit properly.
2) Are shaped funny, so thy don't hold very much (stuff is always hanging out)
3) Are hard to clean because of the STUPID little ridges on the bottom of them, I'm serious, WHO designed those!? What purpose do they serve!?

Next, the shelves.
The shelves:
1) Are cheaply made.
2) Have silly, meaningless lines, designs, or logos on them, that just end up looking tacky.
3) Have those ANNOYING ledges at the end of them so you can't wipe the dirt into your hand after you clean it.

Lets move on to the door, ugh!
The door:
1) Has those bars that go across, so your bottles of ketchup and containers of "half and half" don't go flying every time you open the door, that always seem as if they are going to (and sometimes do) fall off.
2) Again, are hard to clean due to pointless ridges and bumps.
3) Has that magnetic strip, that no matter how many times you clean per day, always ends up as dirty as before.

The Freezer! One of the worst appliances to clean (it wouldn't be that hard, if fact it would be downright easy, if it was designed better)
The freezer:
1) Has the ice maker, that is supposed to have an auto stopping mechanism, but NEVER WORKS!!! so you end up with ice all over the freezer.
2) AGAIN!!! has those absolutely pointless ridges, that are, I guess, supposed to prevent your food from falling out, but does no such thing. (I like to eat freeze-pops, and those ridges never stop them from falling all over the floor) and makes it a hassle to clean, and you can never fully clean it out.
3) You can never efficiently organize it! (unless you are a pro!)

Lastly, the exterior:
1) Bulky
2) ugly*
3) Made of that magnetic stuff (good idea, but it gives it that ugly texture)
4) Have that gap below it where dust bunnies, trash, mice, and pennies like to hang out. And is impossible to clean (unless you movie the whole thing out from agents the wall)
5) And the handles are always ugly*

These are the main problems with refrigerators, which all have solutions!

Solution: Let's start with the bottom again.
(I will list the problem again in italics followed by the solution in bold)

1)Never EVER seem as if they fit properly. Put the drawers on ball-bearings, that are easy to remove and clean. 

2) Are shaped funny, so thy don't hold very much Make the design simple. A square.

3) Are hard to clean because of the STUPID little ridges on the bottom of them Again, Simple. Make it a flat bottom.

The shelves:
1)Are cheaply made. Now I know that the economy is far from great, and we don't wanna spent tons on anything. but think of it this way. A well made refrigerator will last long, but will come at a cost. Hey it's keeping your food fresh isn't it?

2)Have silly, meaningless lines, designs, or logos on them Ugh! SIMPLE!!!! none of that! just plane plexi! 

3)Have those ANNOYING ledges at the end of them They serve no purpose and make it hard to clean... get rid of them!

The door:
1)Bars don't work well. These bars are very useful, but could be redesigned. Simple and elegant. but practical and easy to clean. 

2) pointless ridges. One Word: Simplicity. GET RID OF THEM!

3) Magnetic strip gets dirty to easily. The magnetic strip is a great idea, but could use an update. Maybe have the magnet inside the door, and have a rubber strip around the door for a cushion. but none of the shock absorber stuff... it only gets dirty.

The freezer:
1) The Ice-maker has problems.It's about time the Ice-maker's been reinvented.  Now I'm not sure how yet, but I know its can been ten times simpler. (In production)

2) The ridges. Get rid of the! They make me bad and I see no purpose of them.

3) Organization. A Well designed freezer would have more efficient shelving and more space. It would take into consideration what people store in a freezer.

The exterior:
1) Bulky. Unfortunately a refrigerator is bulky. But if it is simply designed, it would be much less of an eyesore. In fact, it might even look nice. (some recommendations are coming soon) 

2) Ugly. A refrigerator doesn't have to be ugly. A simple stainless steel, of white can look, actually, very stylish. 

3) Made of ugly magnetic stuff. Yes I do love to magnet photos on my frige, but it is ugly. Sometimes you have to compromise though. Simple is the way to go. Clean and practical design.

4) Gaps between floor. Yes, the gap is a problem. But it does need to be there for ventilation. An ideal refrigerator would have some type of cover for the front and sides. I will be designing one in the future. (I don't know too much about refrigerates though)

5) ugly handles. There are plenty of refrigerators with nice simple handles.*

Hope these solutions helped.

Remember, We don't have to stand for this! If there's something you are fed up with, it's up to you to change it!

If you have any questions or suggestions please contact me at:

(*Now this doe not apply to all refrigerators. There are some decent refrigerators out there. This is about the majority.
I will be posting some recommendations later on. I will also post pictures of my designs for an ideal refrigerator as well, soon!)

album review. ratatat. lp3.

Supporting the popular 'release-every-two-years' format, XL Recordings is about to drop Ratatat's "LP3".  Just in time for summer cruising in the heat, and flowing through the same vein as 06's "Classics", Ratatat chooses to stick with the extraneous song names...Shiller, Shempi, Finn, et al, you get the idea.  This doesn't bother us over at reduceeverything though, the music is as captivating and intriguing as the Ratatat we have come to love.   

The album kicks off with the 7" single released "Shiller" a percussionless guitar rampage through some sort of Victorian era kaleidoscope.  Same reverse style synth and guitar solo's, same harpsichord crescendos.  "Take me to something I haven't heard" you say?  Sure, just skip to track four, set in stone to be the most listened to track on LP3, Mirando's is surely something new to Ratatat.  Rambunctious wood percussion, 64bit arpeggiations reminiscent of Crystal Castles, but properly mixed and not 4 octaves to high, and Mid. Eastern sitar loops dance in the same room as the trademark guitars duel high and low with melencholy piano melodies.  At just shy of four minutes, it's hardly epic, it's just long enough without turning into some psyc-post-rock anthemata.  Actually, congrats on keeping every song on the album within a four minute perimeter, something instrumental artists seem to know nothing about.  

Lp3 is Ratatat in every sense that we know them, they pulled off an album that will excite, without falling to far out of their comfort zone, and without redoing Classics.  
Lp3 is possibly more optimistic and enthusiastic then the bulk of Classics, but probably not as dependable and responsible.  Dance grooves dominate on LP3, where crescendos built on Classics.  Change is a good thing, and I commemorate Ratatat on doing just that.  

As stars are concerned, Ratatat earns a 7.5 of 10, no thanks on the suspiciously reggae inspired Flynn, but at a tad short of two minutes, we can let it slide.  

Ratatat - LP3, Available 7/8/08 on XL.  

nightmare. automobile seats

Problem: I'm sitting in the passenger seat of my mom's Toyota Tacoma, and out of my pocket falls my cellphone in to the little gap between the seat and the arm rest. I reach down to get it and it only pushes my phone deeper and deeper below the seat. Now this is not the first time this has ever happened. In fact, this happens on a daily basis. I fumble around with my hand, trying to find it, but it's lost, as it seems. I end up just giving up and waiting till we get to our destination, for an in-depth investigation that will probably involve flashlights and another cellphone. But... half way there my phone rings! AHHH!!! I really need to take this call but there is now way for me to get my phone out from under the seat!

Solution: A fresh new design for the automobile seat. Instead of having to deal with all the complications of the sliding track being on the floor of the car, have it the on the bottom of the seat, supported by a single poll (figure 1).

(figure 1)

The sliding track (so the chair can move forward and backward) would be fixed onto the bottom of the seat (figure 2)

(figure 2)

So, if your phone (or anything) falls below your seat, it's a cinch to get it back. Plus, it makes it a whole lot easier to clean:)

(These drawings are just mockups, the real thing would have some style to it, of course)