Friday, August 15, 2008


Larabar, the almost unbelievably simple, sweet and tasty and chewy and wonderful. Larabar has been supplying my quick snack cravings since, oh, I was alive. I was really a little shocked to hear that it was being sold to General Mills, and before you start up about how a business is a business to make money (I am fully aware, but quality brings revenue...ah...another story), I was saddened because this will directly effect the future of raw food business. This is my passion, my lifestyle, my diet. Its what I put into my body, and I don't want it processed on the same assembly lines as pop-tarts, or whatever GM makes that I work very hard NOT to eat.

Bottom line; I'm super bummed because it was the easiest accessible, and well priced Raw food bar on the market. It was only a matter of time.

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